Book Review: Mr Choli's River Trip by Chris Wardle

Title: Mr Choli's River Trip
Author: Chris Wardle

Summary: "Mr. Choli is the head detective of the colony.  He has gained his lofty reputation through his past adventures brought about by the climatic changes which impacted on the community.  He leads a boat trip to find new plants for the animals to eat, as the plants at the colony are struggling to survive."

★:*¨¨*:☆ Guest Review by Kayla★:*¨¨*:☆

I really like this book.  It was more exciting than the first book.  After the first book, the animals all have a new house but now the climate is messing with the crops the animals eat.  So it is up to the detective cat Mr Choli to find new plants that the animals can bring back and plant to eat. 

The first book was a little slow in the beginning and it was hard to get into the story until the animals left to explore and find a new place to live.  Then the story was very interesting.  This book was interesting from the beginning until the end.  I think mostly girls but also boys who love animals will love this book.

Thanks Kayla!!

~ Back to Allison~~ 

I agree with Kayla.  I liked this book more than the first and I also think that it was easier to get lost in this story than in the first one.  I think they are both great stories and many kids will love them!!


  1. I don't know what is up with Blogger and the weird formatting. When I go into edit it looks normal but when I post it gets crazy!! Oh well.

  2. Hi Kayla,

    Thanks for taking the time to read my book and write such a nice review. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.


  3. I really loved the second book, I found it amusing and it's great for kids to get involved with the quirky companions who are trying to solve problems. Great.


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