Hospital Saga Day 4

Here we are...still at the hospital. They never did a chest xray yesterday. He needed oxygen again last night but instead of starting it at 1030 or so like the night before, we had to start it around 6 pm. But he just took a nap and while he was asleep he kept his oxygen at 99!! But he was in the bouncy chair so maybe that helped. He is still wheezing though. A resident just came in and asked when he had received a breathing treatment last...Like an hour ago. I asked about the chest xray and she thought it was ordered for tomorrow. WTF?? We think the baby needs an xray but we don't schedule it for 2 days? Really getting tired of this hospital and its doctors and staff. Then for most of the night his IV wasn't working properly so the alarm kept going off. That makes it really easy to sleep when you have to keep getting up and turning off the alarm. They used another brace on his arm today so now he can't bend his right arm and that has kept the IV alarm from going off!! Yesterday they took him off the IV steroids and started him on oral steroids. They also started him on oral Zantac, which is intended to for reflux, which he may have. Hopefully we won't be here this weekend!!


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